Diane Shoshin Fitzgerald, Sensei received full Dharma transmission in 2017 from Melissa Myozen Blacker, Roshi, in the combined lineage that derives from Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett, the first western female Soto Zen priest who was dharma heir to Keido Chisan Koho Zenji, and the koan teaching Sanbo Kyodan (“Association of the Teaching of the Three Treasures”) Zen Community through Robert Aitken Roshi, founder of the Diamond Sangha in Hawaii, and dharma heir to Koun Yamada Roshi, one of the three founders of the Sanbo Kyodan. She was ordained as a Soto Zen priest in 2013. Diane formed Zen DownEast in 2012 and serves as its Spiritual Director. Diane is a member of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. A Maine lawyer, Diane has been practicing Zen for more than 30 years.
Mary Awaremu Downing, Assistant Teacher Mary received Unsui Ordination from Rev. Diane Shoshin FItzgerald in June 2023, is a Practice Leader at Zen DownEast, and has been practicing Zen Buddhism for over 10 years. Mary is also very involved with the EcoSattva Sangha. Now retired from teaching classroom music in public schools in Maine and Arizona, she enjoys gardening, swimming, and children of all ages and backgrounds. |