Welcome to Zen DownEast
Our resident teacher is Diane Shoshin Fitzgerald, a Soto Zen priest. She is a member of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. Our Assistant Teachers are Mary Awaremu Downing and Willy Kosan Heineman. Our schedule includes daily and weekly sittings, Dogen, sutras and precepts classes, day-long and multi-day retreats and ongoing activities in support of our EcoSattva vow to care for the earth and all beings.
Zen DownEast is a nonprofit, tax-exempt religious organization incorporated in Maine. We meet online and also in-person at the Morgan Bay Zendo in Surry, Maine (www.morganbayzendo.org). We are committed to creating an inclusive sangha, welcoming people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities, classes, religions, abilities, and ages.